Technical Building Advisor

Specialist Insulation Division, M50 Business Park, Ballymount Avenue, Dublin 12, D12 T4C2, part of the HPC Group, Irelands’ leading supplier to the construction industry is looking for a full-time, Permanent Technical Building Advisor to join our Team.  Technical Building Advisor HPC Insulation is a leading supplier of specialist insulation and related products and solutions for all types of construction. We offer solutions for all build types: masonry, steel frame, timber frame and off-site. Providing expert technical advice and specification in relation to fire, acoustic and thermal insulation applications, as well as a comprehensive and innovative range of airtightness and waterproofing membranes. Part of the HPC Sales Group, we offer industry leading advice and product availability from Europe’s leading manufacturers from our dedicated distribution hub based just off the M50 in Ballymount, Dublin.  The Role/Job PurposeThe role of the Technical Building Advisor is to work with the HPC sales team, as well as supplier/manufacturers, customers, specifiers and contractors to provide technical detail and guidance in all aspects relating to the specification and performance of building materials supplied by the HPC Group.Key ResponsibilitiesThe candidate must have a positive attitude and the ability to work in a dynamic environment. The role will require the candidate to:Provide technical support and guidance on thermal, acoustic and fire protection solutions.Advise the best performing solutions relating to all aspects of the building envelop in order to meet and/or exceed current legislation / building regulation compliance.Provide calculations and drawings as required to support technical advice.Site visit to provide advise / guidance on the application and fitting of specified materials.Ensure continual professional development through training and education.Provide colleagues and customers with training on the insulation portfolio.Develop and build relationships with manufacturers, specifiers and contractors. Knowledge & Experience RequirementsTechnical qualification in building science or architectural technology an advantage and/or proven background in specification in the construction industry.Understanding of construction methods across domestic, commercial and industrial applications.Good IT skills with good working knowledge of MS packages.CAD or thermal calculation software experience an advantage.Strong administration, presentation and organisational skills.Enthusiastic, self-motivated, with ability to manage client expectations.  The successful candidate will receive in-house system and product specific training as required. Competitive package for the right candidate. 

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