Technical Administator

About the CompanyABP UK is a major division of the ABP Food Group with factories in Ireland, UK and Europe. We are a food business that specialises in the supply and development of award-winning British and Irish beef and lamb products for retail, foodservice and wholesale.Role DefinitionResponsible for technical admin tasks to ensure the smooth running of the department.To compile information within the department and from other departments for the building of specificationsLasing with other departments to ensure the effective flow of communicationTo assist with the building of specificationsTo assist with the artwork approval for our customerKey ResponsibilitiesTechnical Team Build relationships with key members of the technical team to help with cover in your roleCross functional relationship with the wider divisional ABP team - NPD, Operations (Retail and Primary), Engineering, Planning, ABP sister sitesEnsure systems are maintained and all documents are up to date and correctSupport technical department where required with project work in line with business needs and moving the business forwardfood resilience and interaction with the technical teamStrong communications within technical and other departments on siteLegal and ComplianceKeep abreast with legislative and industry changes that may affect your roleEnsure all data leaving the department is correctChallenge areas and continuously improve on QMS systemCustomerKnow customer expectations in relation to complaint and report dataBuild relationships with key stakeholdersEnsure customer interactions are conducted to the agreed timelines to ensure critical paths are metPromote our standard of quality compliance to our customers and visitorsWorking within the Wider ABP TeamBuild relationships with key departments to drive improvements with information being given outCarry out any additional duties that may be reasonably requested by your line managerTo age and promote a positive Food Safety Culture within your functionLiaise with the Senior Management Teams where required to ensure all teams are working towards the same goalWork closely with NPD, operations and productionAll relevant personnel to the specific area of work must be kept informed and up to datePerson SpecificationAbility to work effectively and in a high productive manner as an individual or as part of a teamA clear set of planning and organizational skillsA self motivated and self-starting individual that is naturally inquisitive with a constant drive to 'seek out' continuous improvement

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