Team Member

Join the Creams Café Family in Redhill: Be Part of the Sweetest Success!Are you energetic, enthusiastic, and ready to thrive in a buzzing environment? Creams Café is on the hunt for lively part-time and full time Team Members who are ready to dive into the delightful world of Italian Gelato Dessert.About Us:Creams is the UK’s top Gelato Dessert Restaurant group, famed for our delectable Waffles, Crepes, Sundaes, Milkshakes, Coffee, Cakes, Gelato Ice Cream, and an irresistible Vegan menu. If you have a passion for fun, treats, and vibrant atmospheres, your place is with us!What's On the Menu for You?-Flexibility & Variety: Your shifts will include weekends and late evenings, perfect for those who love diversity in their working hours. Previous experience in customer service is a plus, but your personality and willingness to create joy for our guests are what truly count.- A Recipe for Fun & Growth: Work alongside our supportive management team to drive our business forward, engaging guests in a world where scrumptious desserts meet unforgettable experiences.Your Role:- Serve Guests with warmth, friendliness, and flair- Think on your feet, multitask with ease, and handle pressure like a pro- Showcase your food preparation skills and maintain impeccable hygiene- Contribute to a team that delivers outstanding service, anticipating Guests' needs and desires- Embrace mandatory training for health, safety, and sanitation to ensure excellenceTeam Member Perks:- A vibrant working environment filled with joy, variety, and challenges- A competitive rate of pay, complemented by exciting benefits and rewards- Opportunities for growth as Creams continues to expand across the UK and beyondDon't miss this chance to sprinkle your career with excitement, creativity, and sweetness. Apply now and become part of the Creams Café legacy, where every day is a delightful indulgence!

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