Team Lead/Senior Homecare Assistant, Dublin Southwest

Be Independent Home Care is a provider of premium Home Care services. We know the success of what we do depends on the quality and happiness of our team. Our team are at the heart of our company, and it is their passion that ensures that our clients enjoy the best possible care.  We are currently recruiting a Home Care Assistant Team Lead to work full time covering the Southwest Dublin Area.Main responsibilities include:-       Providing initial care to clients to assist in implementing their new home care packages and ensuring they have a sufficient care plan in place that best suits their needs.-       Shadow and mentor care assistants-       Take on cover calls for other carers’ sick/annual leave-       Assist with the administration of client files in their homes-       Collecting/dropping PPE-       Other duties as needed by the companyRequirements:-       Access to own vehicle with full clean drivers’ license-       Minimum of QQI level 5 Care Skills and Care of the older person-       At least 1 years’ experience in Home Care-       Have fluent English and permission to work full time Benefits-       €17 per hour (€19 Sunday, €28 Bank Holidays)-      Guaranteed hours contract (minimum 30 hours)-       Premium mileage rates paid and uncapped-       €250 Joining Bonus Scheme-       Full time support from a friendly and respectful care manager with back up from our Nurse Management Team who are there to help and support you.-       Free ongoing training and development which we make enjoyable for all.-       Free access to a confidential employee support, advise and counselling service along with a wellness app.-       Refer a Friend Scheme worth €150-       Health Insurance Discount Scheme-       Full PPE provided-       Fortnightly payroll-       Career Progression Opportunities-       Free uniform. Protective Bad Weather Waterproof Clothing up to the value of €50#CH07

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