Team Leader/Supervisor

We are excited to announce a brand new Creams Restaurant opening in Redhill! Come and join our brand new Creams Crew and be part of this exciting new venture! We are looking for a enthusiastic, positive and influencing full time supervisor to join our management team. Please note that our Redhill Restaurant operates from 10am until 11pm Mon-Thur & Sun and from 10am until midnight Fri & Sat, so you must be able to work a variety of shift patterns that work with the operations of the restaurant. Please only apply for this position if you are able to commit to these working patterns.Minimum six months previous experience in a supervisory role in a café style or Quick Service Restaurant business is required; you must be able to demonstrate that you are organised, reliable and able to assume responsibility for the business in the absence of the Manager, supporting and assisting in the drive to grow sales and deliver a great service experience. As a member of a Creams Management team, you will have an outgoing, fun personality, able to motivate and lead your team to be the best Dessert Restaurant in town.Creams Café is the UK’s leading Italian Gelato Dessert Restaurant group serving an inspiring range of Waffles, Crepes, Sundaes, Milkshakes, Coffee, Cakes and an amazing Gelato Ice Cream as well as the hit new Vegan menu. What’s not to love about working in our Dessert Restaurant where fun and treats are the order of the day..The role: We are recruiting for a Supervisor who can help assist the Manager and lead the team in their absence. This is a permanent position which involve working shifts over a 7-day operation, so flexibility will be required ranging from late evenings and nights.Supervisor responsibilities:Daily management duties that include opening and closing of the business, cash handling and completing all required paperworkMaintaining and implementing Health and Safety measures on shift and in the Manager’s absenceTraining and coaching team to a high level to ensure consistent quality desserts and beverages are delivered to all Guests according to recipe and presentation standardsBeing the face of the business and ensuring that every Guest has a superb service experience every timeLeading the team to drive sales whilst being cost aware and minimising wasteBeing very hands on and supportive at all times Supervisor Benefits:A fun, vibrant working environment with plenty of variety and challenge!Lots of opportunity for development as we continue our planned growth throughout the UK and beyond

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