Team Leader - Supported Living (Derry/Londonderry)

About UsLive Connected provide quality Home Care to adults requiring support in the home to enable them to live independently and with confidence.With a first-class reputation across Europe, we are recognised as innovator’s who are willing to change the sector through utilising technology within our care delivery in order to provide the right support services to the client and their loved ones.We are now actively recruiting a leading, highly proficient, ambitious, driven and caring Team Leader who has a willingness to operate within a ‘technology focused’ care environment.  Main Duties & Responsibilities• Provide leadership, management and guidance of the highest standards to support our Care Team, to ensure the Live Connected clients receive the best outcomes in everything we do.• Ability to take ownership of achieving the highest levels of compliance with regards to regulations, laws, quality standards & policies• Accountable for the Health and Safety of staff and clients; ensuring the Live Connected Policies & Procedures are always adhered to providing a safe working environment.• Passionately promote the aims and values of Live Connected• Continually review and improve operational processes to ensure the most effective and efficient service is being delivered to our clients through utilising technology.• Ability to identify and recruit high quality Support workers, implement excellent training and maintain high retention ratios.• Ensure the provision of staff training is implemented and the delivery of quality care services is consistently achieved.• Ability to ensure the Scheduling is effectively designed to ensure the support workers deliver the allocated service to the client. Scheduled Spot Checks and Audits are undertaken and recorded electronically.• Ability to complete and continuously improve the support workers, Risk Assessments and Care Plans to ensure the outcome of the client is achieved effectively and our clients’ expectations are exceeded.• Ability to operate the business in a paperless manner from the beginning and embrace technological software and electronic communications• To be aware of Key Performance Indicators and to accurately record and report statistics to the service manager/Head of service/Director as appropriate.• Ad hoc duties to support the Operations Team, as when required due to continue expansion of the service. · To assist and support the initial transition stages of service users, this can include long stay hospital admissions to community. · To effectively develop transition plans and review daily to ensure initial transitions are running smoothly.· To troubleshoot, develop new initiatives for transition plans, Live Connected prides themselves in being a leader service provider.· To manage on call services and respond appropriate· Working rotation will include working weekends. Qualifications & Experience• Must have experience within supported Living services with behaviours that challenge.· Must have experience working with complex care packages and have experience working with adults with learning disability, mental health, acquired brain injuries, autism.·Level 5 health and social care qualification preferred but not essential, or a willingness to work towards this. Abilities, Skills & Behaviours• Highly determined, driven and ambitious, with the desire to make a real difference and assist in the growth of the business.• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to talk passionately about our services and values to potential clients or referral sources.• Advanced computer skills including proficient use of MS Office, the ability to produce reports and strong computer systems knowledge.• Self-motivated and flexible, with a willingness to participate in an ‘on call system’ for out of office hours.• Extremely well organised, excellent planning and prioritising ability with high attention to detail• A creative and strategic thinker who is able to embrace, influence and communicate improvements to the Team.• Hold a full driving licence with access to their own transport.Connected Health is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to promoting equality of opportunity, good relations, respect for diversity and inclusion in the workplace and the delivery of its services to clients. It is also committed to ensuring that the talents and resources of all its employees are utilised to the full. Connected Health welcome applications for all job roles from members of all communities.

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