Team Leader - Residential Social Care

Three Steps is changing. Our care teams are stronger, more focussed, better trained and supported than ever before. We are currently recruiting Team Leaders to support experienced care teams in Co. Meath and Co. Dublin.  Three Steps provide residential services to children, young people and adults on behalf of the HSE and Tusla and work hard to improve the quality of care we provide every day.  We provide specialist training in Trauma and Attachment, a broad range of in-service training, and also experienced clinicians who help us to recognise and respond to the unique experience and needs of the children, young people and adults in our care.   Centre and Service Managers provide regular support and professional supervision to help our care teams carry out their roles professionally. We value the partnerships we develop with both families and the professionals we work with and are committed to doing all we can to ensure our care and clinical teams contribute positively to every multidisciplinary team of which we are part.  The children, young people and adults in our care always come first in Three Steps. If you are willing to share your knowledge, experience, skill and compassion with the children, young people and adults in our care and you are open to learning from them and with us about how we can help them to live their best lives, we very much look forward to hearing from you.  Team Leaders play a key role in our care teams. They are responsible for ensuring the professionals who work directly with the children, young people and adults in our care are themselves cared for and have access to the support and guidance they need to provide safe and effective care at all times.  If you are interested in leading one of our care teams, you will need to have the following qualifications and experience:   Children’s Residential Centre: -       A Level 7 qualification in Social Care / Applied Social Studies (preferred) or in a relevant field of Psychology, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, Youth and Community Work, Social Work, Social Sciences, Teaching and Nursing.   -       A minimum of three years’ experience working in at a Social Care grade with children or young people.   Children’s Disability Centre: -       A Level 7 qualification in Social Care / Applied Social Studies (preferred) or in a relevant field of Psychology, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, Youth and Community Work, Social Work, Social Sciences, Teaching, Nursing, Early Childhood Studies or Disability Studies (not exhaustive).-       A minimum of three years’ experience working in a Social Care or Healthcare Assistant role with children, young people or adults. You will also need...  -       To hold a full clean manual driving licence.-       The ability to motivate and lead our care teams.-       The ability to relate to and care for vulnerable and often challenging children, young people and adults and to demonstrate a genuine respect for them, their parents and families. -       To demonstrate a working knowledge of the applicable legislation, regulations and standards.-       To be flexible regarding working hours.  -       To be fluent in written and spoken English and eligible to work in Ireland.  

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