Team Leader – Mental Health services

Job descriptionAttuned Programmes Irelandwww.attunedprogrammes.ieJob Title: Team LeaderLocation: Wicklow, IrelandOrganization: Attuned Programmes IrelandAbout Us:Attuned Programmes Ireland is an organisation responding to meet the needs of individuals through community-based, residential, and aftercare services. Our goal is to support individuals in overcoming challenges by fostering positive outcomes in a safe, respectful, and individualized manner.We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced Team Leader to join our Adult Community Residential Mental Health service in Wicklow. This is an exciting opportunity for someone with leadership skills and a passion for making a meaningful difference in the lives of vulnerable families.Job Description:The Team Leader will support the Operations Manager to oversee the delivery of our Adult Community Residential Mental Health service in Wicklow, working closely with a team of Social Care Workers to provide comprehensive, person-centred support to families in need. The successful candidate will demonstrate strong leadership qualities, an understanding of the diverse needs of individuals and families, and a commitment to best practice and regulatory standards.Key Responsibilities:- Lead, support, and supervise a team to deliver high-quality family support services.- Ensure that services are delivered in line with regulatory requirements, best practices, and the specific needs of the families.- Collaborate with individuals to support them to develop independent living skills, empowering them towards positive change.- Manage the daily operations of the service, including planning, reporting, and maintaining compliance with all relevant policies and procedures.- Liaise with external agencies and stakeholders to coordinate supports.- Conduct regular team meetings and reflective practice sessions to foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development.Requirements:- Minimum QQI Level 7 qualification in Social Care, Social Science, Mental Health or a related field.- Minimum of 2 years’ experience in a social care or related field, with at least 1 year in a supervisory or leadership capacity.- Strong leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills.- Excellent organizational skills, including proficiency in IT, report writing, and planning.- A deep commitment to the rights and protection of individuals, with a strong understanding of trauma-informed care.- Garda vetting clearance is required.- Full driving licence is essential.Benefits:- High-quality training and professional development opportunities, including trauma-informed reflective practice training.- Eligible to apply for education fund for continuous professional development.- Dynamic and supportive work environment.Job Types: PermanentSalary - D.O.E

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