Team Leader

**********Join the Sweetest Journey at Creams Café Manchester Arndale*********We're on the hunt for passionate Team Leaders/Supervisors to be the icing on our dessert! As part of our vibrant family, you’ll immerse yourself in an environment that serves more than just delightful desserts—it serves moments of joy, fun, and connection.About Creams Café:  We're the UK's premier Italian Gelato Dessert Restaurant. From Waffles, Crepes, and Sundaes to heartwarming Coffees and the exquisite Gelato Ice Cream, our menu is a treasure trove of treats. And let’s not forget our buzzworthy Vegan menu! At Creams Café, every day is a celebration of treats and smilesWhat in it for you - Sweet Perks & Benefits:- Dive into a bubbly, dynamic workspace filled with zest and challenges!- Enjoy a competitive sprinkle of pay.- Relish perks such as mouthwatering meals on duty, delightful Creams discounts, and thrilling incentive awards.- Tend to your well-being with our exclusive employee service.- Grow with us! As we expand across the UK and beyond, you'll find ample chances to elevate your career.What's the Role? As our Team Leader/Supervisor, you'll wear many hats. While you'll sometimes assist our amazing manager, there will be times you'll stand in their shoes. This full-time role will involve navigating the hustle and bustle of a 7-day operation, including some evenings. Your adaptability is your superpower!Your Day-to-Day:- Spearhead daily management, including opening and closing rituals, cash magic, and paper trails.- Be the champion of Health & Safety, whether on your watch or while filling in for the manager.- Infuse passion and skill into our team, ensuring each dessert we serve is a piece of art and every beverage a masterpiece.- Be the radiant face of Creams, ensuring every guest feels special and treasured.- Drive our mission by boosting sales, being resourceful, and curbing waste.- Stay proactive, supportive, and hands-on in every twist and turn.Do You Have What it Takes? If you've previously sprinkled your magic in a café or Quick Service Restaurant supervisory role and can showcase your organisational flair and reliability, you might be the cherry on our sundae. We value team leaders who are exuberant, can rally the team, and strive to make Creams the town's dessert haven.So, if you're ready to whisk into a world of wonder with Creams Café, we're eager to meet you!

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