Deputy Team Lead - Autism & Disability

ARCS Autism and Disability Services, are currently looking to hire a Deputy Team Lead in our New Autism and Disability residential service located between Bunmahon and Annestown, Co. Waterford, approximately 30 mins from Waterford City. Who we are;ARCS Autism and Disability Services (part of Daffodil Care Group), was established in response to an increased need for specialised therapeutic residential care services. We work with young people with an ASD/ID Diagnosis and whom have also been impacted by trauma and attachment difficulties through the provision of a tailored residential therapeutic service using a clinically proven low arousal approach.As a Team Lead you will be working as part of a team, and you will be responsible for the day-to-day activities in the residential centre and work in close collaboration with the Assistant PIC in creating and maintaining a warm, accepting and secure environment for the young people in your care and will play a key role in the delivery of the highest standard of therapeutic residential services.ARCS adopt a well-being, positive psychology approach, we are a restraint free service and utilise Studio III Low Arousal approaches for stress management and de-escalation.At ARCS, we work closely with the Individual, their existing supports and relevant MDT professionals to create a bespoke service to meet the needs of the individuals we work with, and as such, our team receive a tailored training package to support them to deliver the service.We promote the professional and personal development of each team member, with a clear focus on our ethos and therapeutic approach, we provide significant investment in our people, who in turn through their professionalism and commitment greatly enhance the experience and outcomes for our service users. What we can offer;Competitive SalaryIncremental Salary scaleOn Call allowance in addition to annual salary.Continued professional development educational grants available to teams and individuals Employee Benefits:Paid core trainingHealth Insurance SchemeMaternity CoverLife AssuranceCompany Pension SchemeEmployee Discount SchemeFree access to any additional professional training offered by SCTI, Social Care Training Ireland e.g. Leadership & Management in Social Care, Professional Supervision SkillsEducation Assistance GrantsProfessional Career Development programmeTeam Building ActivitiesCompany Social Events & away daysRefer a Friend Bonus Requirements:Minimum Level 7 in Humanities, Healthcare OR Social Care Equivalent e.g. Disability Studies/ Psychology/ Counselling Psychotherapy/ Special Needs Education / NursingExperience working with young people with ASDFull driver’s license Desirable: ·        Keen interest working with young people trauma/ attachment difficulties.·        knowledge of the PERMA Model of Positive Psychology.·        Knowledge of working with Studio iii Low arousal approach

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