Team Lead Access to Care & Back Office

Mater Private Network is Looking for a Team Lead!Do you have a passion for healthcare administration and a knack for leading teams?We are seeking a motivated and experienced Team Lead to join our Access to Care & Central Back Office, ED/UCC Back Office team at Mater Private Network, a leading private hospital group in Ireland.In this role, you will:Lead and develop a team of administrative staff across three departments.Oversee day-to-day operations and ensure efficient service delivery.Manage staff performance and ensure adherence to hospital policies and procedures.Play a key role in maintaining JCI accreditation standards.Foster a positive and patient-centered work environment.You are a great fit if you have:A Leaving Certificate or equivalent qualification.Experience leading and managing a team in a hospital setting.Strong administrative skills and knowledge of workflow processes.Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.Proficiency in MS Word and other computer applications.A commitment to patient care and safety.Mater Private Network offers:Competitive salary and benefits package.Opportunity to work in a dynamic and progressive healthcare environment.The chance to make a real difference in the lives of patients.Ready to join our team?Mater Private Network is an equal opportunities employer.

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