Senior Tax Manager

About You and Your CareerAre you currently pigeon holed in your Tax Career?Are you tired of only seeing one piece of the puzzle and want to broaden your experience?Would you relish the challenge of developing dynamic solutions for a diverse client base across all tax heads?Do you want to develop your Tax career by working closely with and learning from our experienced Tax Partners and Directors?Do you want to work with a people first firm, who believe in a strong work / life balance?Why Choose RBK?As a people first firm, we work as One United Thriving Team, living our Values by:Putting People First and consistently treat everyone fairly, with respect integrity and trust. Making A Positive Difference by giving back to our clients and communities.Being In It Together to achieve a clear end goal by collaborating and having each other’s back.Keeping it Clear And Concise to avoid confusion and bring clarity, purpose and prioritisation for everyone.Stepping In & Owning It With Excellence by taking responsibility for achieving better outcomes and results. About the Tax TeamOur specialist team of over 30 Tax Professionals and 4 Tax Partners provide expert compliance, consultancy and advisory services to a variety of corporate and personal clients domestically and internationally. We deliver dynamic solutions to our extensive client base on areas including;corporate restructuresmergers and acquisitionssuccession and retirement planninginbound and outbound investment and relocationprivate clients - investment, wealth management and tax planningOur thriving client base include multinational and domestic groups (Inbound and outbound) operating in diverse sectors including technology, med-tech, manufacturing, renewables, property and hospitality.The RoleRBK is currently seeking to recruit strong performing Tax Managers to deliver our tax advisory and compliance services to an extensive portfolio of clients across a diverse range of sectors. Roles can be tailored based on the candidates experience and career development objectives – so whether you want to broaden your role to gain consultancy experience across all tax heads, continue to focus on compliance or retain/develop a niche focus on a specialist area, we are hiring.ResponsibilitiesManage a portfolio of clients and lead the delivery of high quality tax advice and service to those clients.Work closely with the Tax Partners, Directors on developing the service provided to a large and varied portfolio of clients.Undertaking specific consultancy assignments, in all areas of tax, to include Income Tax, Corporation Tax, CGT, CAT and VAT. Advise clients on business structuring, mergers and acquisitions, cross border expansion, financing, tax audits etc.Advise clients on succession planning.Produce reports and presentations for clients.Engage with Revenue on client matters, including Revenue audits.Manage a tax team.Assist with firm wide training and business development initiatives.Requirements Membership of the Irish Taxation Institute.Top 10 firm experience would be desirable, but not essential.Ideally 2 years post qualification experience in a management role in a tax practice or industry.Strong communication and interpersonal skills.A broad range of experience.An ability to manage a high performing team.Broad exposure to tax consultancy assignments would be desirable, but not essential.What we offer Competitive compensation package with a defined career progression path.Flexible working arrangements – the ability to work at home, from the office, in Athlone, Dublin, Roscommon or Waterford.Pension and Life Assurance.Professional Subscriptions.Corporate Discounts.Social Club.Employee Incentive Schemes.About UsWe are a PEOPLE FIRST Professional Services Firm, delivering dynamic solutions and joined up service, where our people, clients, communities and our business THRIVE! We are Ireland’s largest indigenous chartered accountancy and business advisory firm with over 250 staff. For over 60 years RBK has provided a wide range of tax, audit and accounting services to domestic and overseas businesses in Ireland. We have grown to become Ireland’s largest indigenous accountancy firm with over 250 professionals and 18 Partners in 4 locations: Athlone, Dublin, Roscommon and Waterford.  

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