Senior Gym Supervisor

TalbotFit at Talbot Hotel Stillorgan are recruiting for an experienced Senior Gym Supervisor to run and manage our new high spec gym.  TalbotFit Supervisor will report directly to the General Manager. Responsibilities and Duties to include :The day-to-day running and operation of TalbotFit at Talbot Hotel Stillorgan.Ensure that a professional, excellent friendly service is delivered to all our members and guests at all times;Build strong professional relationships with our members;Ensure the highest hygiene standards are consistently maintained without fail.To assist in the achievement of budgetary and agreed targets;Ensure that all plant and equipment is maintained to the required standard;Be innovative, keep on trend and adapt product accordingly in agreement with team;To be familiar with hotel product offering;To foster a culture of teamwork within the leisure club focusing on common goals, positivity and effective communication;To coordinate and manage the team and rosters in line with business needs. The successful Senior Gym Supervisor will be required to work varying shifts. Qualifications and Skills Required:2 years' previous experience supervising a successful Gym is desired;A relative qualification in people management would be an advantage;A nationally recognized Fitness Instructors qualification or equivalent;Class teaching experienceExcellent interpersonal skills;Strong business acumen with an understanding of revenue generation, cost control and the achievement of targets;Plant maintenance experience essential; Benefits:Contributory Pension Scheme (12 months service requirement)Life InsuranceLeisure Club MembershipStaff ParkingVarious hotel discountsEAPStaff Meals

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