Systems Administrator

What Do We WantYou have SAP and Microsoft experience particularly in Excel.You also be proficient in IT systems.You be able to work in a high pressure, busy environment.You be a good communicator both written and verbal- actively listening, questioning, clearly and concisely.You have great customer service skills.You have a positive "can do" attitude.You have the ability to influence positively.You be approachable to all colleagues.You have a keen eye for detail.You are a strong team player.You have a positive and productive approach to work.What Will Your Day-to-Day look LikeThe primary function of this role is to provide is to provide SAP admin reports in addition to general operative duties within the warehouse.Goods Inwards booking in, Good inwards put away and replenishment.Daily file pull through and dropping orders.Running reports such as stock shortage report or daily stock report.Printing daily orders and compiling into various routes.Printing off the job reporting spreadsheet, pulling daily runs together in the warehouse.Deal with queries.Printing delivery dockets.Assisting with and compiling daily and weekly KPI's.Investigating all shorts, returns and refusals.Cycle counts, stock counts and and stocktaking.Other Duties:-Filing consignment paperwork.Completing a full comprehensive handover for the oncoming shifts.Picking, packing checking products as requested by management.Adherence to company policies , reporting and incidents, accidents or near misses to management.Communicating all issues or potential issues to the Ops Mgr.What Skills Do You Need for This RoleWe require a positive "can do" attitude.You are credible trustworthy and has previous SAP experience.Ability to build relationships and influence at all levels.Strong problem solving abilities and great attention to detail.Proactive and takes ownership of issues to conclusion.Excellent interpersonal and organisational skills.Excellent communication skills to liaise at all levels throughout the organisation.Who We AreWe are the largest independent Irish provider of Logistics, and Sales and Marketing. Our company values represent all our combined views and feelings about who we are and our culture here at Primeline. Our values are Respect, Excellence, Courage, Teamwork and Results, and these values determine how we behave when doing our job, working with our teams and when dealing with our many customers and principles. Our business is diverse and well cultured, with over 35 different nationalities and 5 different generations working side by side every day.What We DoWe move 1 million boxes per week, we have over 1.5 million square foot of warehousing and we employ over 800 direct employees across the Primeline Group, from warehouse operatives, transport drivers, field sales representatives and many support roles based in our Head Office located in Ashbourne, Co. Meath. Primeline is multifaceted, and we operate across many industries including FMCG, retail, pharmacy, media, automotive, print, ambient food and technology and we provide cutting edge supply chain solutions to companies operating in Ireland. We proudly service over 4500 retailers.Where We Are GoingWe continue to develop our leadership teams to ensure that Primeline remains a place where people want to come to work every day, and a place where people can learn and strive towards their future goals. We will continue to create an environment where people can be at their best. Retaining our current customer blue chip companies and multinational brands and growing new business which by providing best brand execution will be key to our success. We will build the best r partnerships with our principles and customers and we will continue to drive a values-based culture.

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