Sustainable Energy Communities and Education - Programme Manager

Job TitleSustainable Energy Communities and Education - Programme ManagerSalary€78,303 pa (Other arrangements may apply if coming directly from another civil or public service body)Tenure5-year fixed term contractWork LocationDublin, Cork, Dundalk or SligoClosing DateMidnight, Tuesday 24th September 2024Role ProfileWe have an exciting opportunity for the role of Programme Manager for our Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC) and Education programmes. This role will sit in the Decarbonised Heat and System Supports Department. The department is relatively new to SEAI and comprises existing functions as well as the new national District Heating Centre of Excellence. The existing functions include the Decarbonised Heating and Cooling research function, the Single Point of Contact service for consenting in renewable energy projects and the SEC, Education and Community Renewable Energy Support Scheme (RESS) programmes. Reporting to the Head of Department, this position will play a key role in the Department. The successful candidate will join an enthusiastic and innovative team who are committed to the high-quality delivery of SEAI’s SEC and Education programmes.  The SEC programme supports groups to come together to improve how energy is used for the benefit of their community. Sustainable energy communities look at projects in homes, transport, and local business. They also look at community buildings such as schools, community centres, and sports facilities. The team provides the enabling framework to support the communities and engage with SEAI whether through energy masterplans, developing a renewable energy project or completing building energy retrofits. This growing programme currently supports over 750 communities across Ireland. The Education programme supports positive energy practices in schools, from energy management to teaching students about sustainability. The overarching vision of the programme is to inform, educate and empower young people when it comes to sustainable energy. The programme delivers supports to schools, teachers, and students through a variety of measures, including training, workshops, and provision of resources. The teamwork with partners and stakeholders in education and youth to design, develop and deliver relevant supports to teachers and students at pre-school, primary and post primary level.Essential RequirementsThe successful candidate must be able to demonstrate:A degree (a minimum of NFQ Level 7 or greater) or equivalent professional qualification in a relevant discipline such as Engineering, Science, Business, or Social Sciences.Minimum 5 years’ experience of working in this or in a related sector or in a similar role (can include postgraduate studies).Experience working in a multi-disciplinary team and managing projects involving a diverse range of internal and external stakeholders.Experience of programme management and demonstrated ability to delegate and manage a team.Knowledge of communities, education, or another relevant sector.Strong written and verbal communication skills, including report writing, presenting, public speaking.Desirable RequirementsDemonstrated experience in managing training programmes, digital service offerings, or management of networking activities.Knowledge and understanding of the energy sector.Knowledge or experience of climate policy.Knowledge of community or schools’ sustainability.Knowledge and understanding of behavioural attitudes to climate change within communities.A strong understanding of the challenges facing communities with respect to climate change.Ability to engage effectively with internal and external stakeholders.Ability to communicate complex concepts to non-technical audiences.Eligibility to WorkThe SEAI has a legal obligation to ensure that all employees are lawfully entitled to work in Ireland. Where applicable and to support a candidate’s application, candidates must submit a valid work permit/visa confirming permission to work in Ireland. Failure to submit the required evidence, and failure to hold a valid permit/visa during the period of the contract, will result in the application and/or contract of employment being rendered void.#LI-Hybrid

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