Survey Processor

Survey ProcessorLeedsFull time/PermanentCompetitive salary plus benefits Are you skilled in producing accurate survey reports? Join Jet Aire and contribute to high-quality drawings and recommendations that drive success! More about the role:Manage the data completed on site, ensuring that it is organised and backed up.Ensure that the data collected on site is processed within 4 working days.Review the footage recorded on site and transcribe the observations on to the WinCan software.Liaise with operations/sales/client with feedback from site, if any further actions are needed such as issues that have arisen.Collate a list of recommendations from our observations when reviewing the survey results, for remedial action. With our estimated price to put these recommendations in to action.Produce professional quality drawings using AutoCAD.Issue the data, including the drawings, WinCan report and recommendations are issued to the client via DVD/electronic delivery within 5 working days from completion on site.Print/check the drawings issued from the client, generate plans for use on site using tools such as Google Earth if one isn’t available.Assisting sales support manager when required.Producing recommendation quotations from external CCTV surveys.. About you:OS19x qualified / working towards qualification. (Desirable)Ability to code using WinCan / basic knowledge of defect coding (Desirbale)Use of CAD software. (Desirable)Knowledge of drainage defects and means of repair.Excellent verbal and written communication skills.Knowledge of the Microsoft Office Software Suite.Right to work in the UK is essential.Full Clean UK driving licence is essential.Full training will be providedAbout us: At Jet Aire, drainage, sewer cleaning, and rehabilitation, is at the forefront of providing innovative solutions to complex challenges in the water and wastewater industry. As a member of the Jet Aire team, you'll have the chance to be part of ground breaking projects that have a direct impact on environmental sustainability and public health. From working on large-scale infrastructure projects to tackling intricate drainage systems, every day will present you with new and exciting challenges that will sharpen your skills and expand your knowledge. At Adler and Allan Group, we're not just a company – we're environmental champions committed to protecting our planet while helping businesses thrive. We're a diverse, dynamic team dedicated to providing top-tier environmental, energy and water infrastructure services across the UK. Our mission is clear: safeguarding the environment, minimising operational disruptions, and supporting sustainability goals for our valued clients. Adler and Allan are committed to fostering diversity and inclusion in our workplace. We proudly embrace equal opportunities for all applicants, regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or national origin. If you require any support with your application, whatever the circumstance, please let us know.

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