Surgical First Assistant

Job Title: Surgical First Assistant (Registered Nurse - Theatre)Department: TheatreJob Type: PermanentHours: 37.5 per week (Full-Time) Blackrock Clinic is the leading and longest established private hospital and clinic in Ireland. Since it opened in the mid-1980s, the clinic has consistently built an unparalleled reputation in new high-tech surgical procedures, medical treatments, and ground-breaking diagnostics. Blackrock Clinic is now part of Blackrock Health private hospital group along with the Hermitage Clinic, Galway Clinic, and Limerick Clinic, some of the most advanced hospitals in Irish private healthcare. As a JCI accredited hospital, Blackrock Clinic is a progressive and pioneering hospital in which care for the patient is central to everything we do. ROLE PURPOSE·     The first assistant to the surgeon is a trained and registered perioperative practitioner who, at all times, provides optimal surgical assistance under the direct supervision of the consultant surgeon while not performing any form of surgical intervention. QUALIFICATIONS·     Must have an active registration with relevant regulatory board, i.e: Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI),·     Registered Nurses must have a third level post–graduate perioperative course or equivalent. ·     Must have undertaken a comprehensive training programme and have certified competencies.·     Evidence of personal professional development.  ESSENTIAL SKILLS and COMPETENCIES·     Professional knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and surgical procedures.·     Excellent observational, organisational, and communication skills.·     Must be able to function effectively in emergency situations and troubleshooting. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES1.       Assessment, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation·       Utilise assessment skills and techniques in delivering safe and quality patient care during their perioperative phase of care.·       Understand the surgical procedure, ensure correct patient position, prepare surgical skin antisepsis, drape the patient for the surgery, provide retraction, instrument exchange as directed by surgeon.·       Contribute to quality improvement by applying and promoting best evidence-based practice within own scope of practice.·       Apply legislation, policies, and procedures correctly.·       Assemble, check, and prepare the appropriate surgical equipment, instruments, and consumables for a wide range of operative procedures.·       Treat patients with dignity and respect by exercising discretion and maintaining their confidentiality.·       Work collaboratively with the multidisciplinary team; help and assist the nursing and other clinical staff in the routine work associated with patient care.·       Obtain, relay, record, and store information relating to delivery of care whilst maintaining patient confidentiality at all times.·       Undertake a range of administrative and clerical tasks associated with patient care.·       Contribute to audits and research in clinical areas, help implement Quality Improvements, and enhance a culture of quality and safety.·       Comply with the policies and procedures at Blackrock Clinic including Health and Safety, Infection Control, Accident and Incident Reporting, Complaints Procedure, and Hospital Fire Policy and Evacuation. 2.      Communication Skills·     Communicate appropriately with colleagues and other members of the health care teams in a manner that avoids antagonism, reduces conflict, and prevents undue anxiety.·       Recognise limitations and seek assistance where necessary.·       Attend and contribute to appropriate meetings.·       Accept constructive advice when appropriate.·       Report all incidents immediately, which may adversely affect a patient, colleague, or the Blackrock Clinic.·     Communicate clearly and appropriately with patients, their relatives / friends, colleagues, and all other members of the multidisciplinary team including responding to queries, answering the phone, taking messages, and passing on written and verbal information to patients. 3.      Professional Expectations·       Function within the scope of practice, code of conduct, and limits of NMBI, Blackrock Clinic procedures, and standards.·       Support the vision and mission statements, philosophy, objectives, and goals of Blackrock Clinic.·       Observe the appropriate lines of authority.·       Maintain strict confidentiality regarding all patients and the activities of Blackrock Clinic·       Demonstrate flexibility by assisting in all areas of the hospital as required.·       Develop personal knowledge and skills.·       Present a professional appearance and attitude. Why work at the Blackrock Clinic?At the Blackrock Clinic, we are passionate about our people and believe in their development and growth. As a member of the team you can benefit from:  • Competitive salary• Onsite parking• Pension• Annual bonus*• Discounted café• Sports and Social club• Employee Assistance Programme• Discounted onsite pharmacy Please Note:Job descriptions are a reflection of the present service requirements and may be subject to review and amendments to meet the changing needs of the service. Please note that we reserve the right to close this vacancy early if sufficient applications are received.Blackrock Clinic is an Equal Opportunities employer, and we are committed to creating an environment that promotes equality and dignity at work. Blackrock Clinic is committed to providing reasonable accommodation when needed. Please advise if you have particular requirements, so that we can look into arranging reasonable adjustments to the recruitment process. You can contact us at It is essential that you have valid work permission for the Republic of Ireland to take up employment for this position, or in the case of critical skills, you must be eligible for a work permit.

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