Learning Disabilities Support Worker

We are currently looking for Full Time Support Workers for a Supported Living House in Southend, postcode SS2 4PF, supporting several Learning Disability and Complex Care clients. Candidates must work various shifts throughout the week (Mon-Sun), including sleep shifts at the home and be on-call to the clients.This vacancy is a fantastic opportunity for someone who is looking for a new challenge working in in a person-centred positive behaviour organisation.It is required that they need to have 6+ months experience in a supported living complex having supported adults with learning disabilities and complex health needs as we are going to be taking on medium-high end packages of care which will require experienced staff.Excellent rates of pay £13 per hour About our organisationJCM prides itself in delivering high quality complex and specialist service in both Nursing, Social Care and Health Care Services to adults and children in their own homes. We have been providing a safe, person-centred and responsive service for over 14 years, we work in partnership with the NHS, CCG, Local Authority and Private Sector both in London and Scotland. We work closely with our clients and their families to identify and understand their specific needs and how best to meet these fully. To be considered for the role, you must:·        Have experience with complex learning disability clients within a supported living environment (6 months and above required)·  Live locally to the house in SS2 4PF (Southend On Sea), UK·        Level 2/3 in Health and Social Care·        Able to provide references covering 3 years·        Provide an in-date enhanced DBS·        Plan and deliver client care to a high standard·        Manage your workload and liaise with other healthcare professionals·        Right to work in the UK - we are not offering certificates of sponsorship for this positionBenefits:•                   20 days Annual leave excluding Bank Holidays.•                   Blue Light Card•                   Free Training•                   Continuous Professional Development & support with revalidation•                   Free Uniform•                   Career Development within the organisation•                   Immediate start.

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