Support Operator

Do you have a passion for IT?Are you interested in working for a growing Irish company that wants to help save the planet by extending the life of IT hardware? If you are curious and interested in working in a dynamic team environment where building a sustainable future is at the heart of what we do, Wisetek may be the Company for you.Founded in 2007, Wisetek has grown to be a global leader in IT asset disposition (ITAD), secure data destruction, reuse, and technology manufacturing services worldwide. We operate globally with facilities in Ireland, UK, Thailand and 5 facilities covering the US. Our services include IT asset disposition (ITAD), manufacturing and fulfilment, data destruction, data centre services, reverse logistics, hard drive shredding and hard drive disposal services. Our mission is to provide our valued clients with world-class IT Asset Disposition services and excellence in sustainability, data security, and compliance.Wisetek’s plan is to continue to grow and we are looking for driven, dynamic, people who want to make a difference to help us.What do we offer you?An opportunity to work for a company that is making a real difference, where you will work with a great Team and if you are looking for career progression, we have a proven history.Eligible Employees receive additional annual leave based on service, opportunity to join a matching Defined Contribution Pension Scheme, Education Assistance, Employee discount scheme on IT Equipment, Discounted Laya Healthcare membership, Bike to Work Scheme and paid for Company Events.With Facilities globally and new facilities coming on board there are opportunities for international assignment and travel too. This is a great opportunity for a self-starter to join an established market leader, with a global footprint and a who's who of global clients.Reporting to: SupervisorGeneral ResponsibilitiesDuties include but not limited to the following (Training will be provided for specific tasks).Receiving, inspecting, recording and cataloguing warehouse inventory.General housekeeping of warehouse and yard area, keeping area clean and tidy to 5S standards.Material handling and de-manufacturingData input and data wipingEnsuring that work is accurate, to highest quality standard as defined by the Company.Boxing and shipping of product.Promote Lean principles.Undergo training/certification when required to do.Move within Wisetek operations and various site locations.Must be available to work the required overtime per week/month and at Quarter end to facilitate Customer and business needs.May be requested to work additional hours at Quarter end to facilitate Customer and business needs.Qualifications:- PC skills including experience with Microsoft are an advantage.- SAP System experience is an advantage.- Person must have good written & verbal communication skills.- Person needs to be a flexible, enthusiastic individual with ability to use their own initiative and take responsibility fortheir work as well as a Team player.- Attention to detail and accuracy are essential.This role will be based in our facilities in the Kilbarry Industrial Estate, Dublin Hill. Wisetek is an equal opportunities employer

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