Supplies Officer

The Hermitage Medical Clinic is a private hospital providing a full range of medical and surgical care across a broad spectrum of specialities. Our clinical specialities include surgery, medicine, endoscopy, oncology and interventional diagnostics. The Supply Chain team is responsible for ensuring all goods are delivered and stocked to the correct levels across the hospital. The Supplies Officer will manage the flow of medical supplies around the hospital using the new inventory management system. The inventory management system will aid the Supplies Officer in ensuring all required stock is located correctly and assist them in moving and rotating stock as necessary. Key ResponsibilitiesDefine min/max levels in each clinical store area.Ensure adequate item /shelves labelling.Gather data and ensure stock rotation. Ensure the transition period from manual to automated stock management runs smoothly and with no interruption in service.Actively participate in training programmes for any new systems/software.Deliver goods (stock and non-stock items) to the appropriate department/area in the hospital.Monitor distribution of stock and ensure an appropriate restocking and optimum supply are in place.Carry out pick list stock item requests.Carry out cycle counts in wards, theatre and other clinical departments throughout the hospital using handheld scanners.Maintain stock records using the inventory management system. Receipt of all goods via the inventory management system.Deal with stock recalls as required.Carry out collection and disposal of clinical waste from across the hospital as per agreed schedule and policy, as required.Support nurses with Point-of-Care implementation as required.Validating theatre stock daily as required. Ensure that all store locations are maintained as per hospital policy.Continually liaise with the procurement team on changes of products and max/ min levels.Carry out annual and ad-hoc stock takes in conjunction with others in the hospital.Other ad-hoc operational duties as required throughout different areas of the hospitalRequirementsExperience in Materials ManagementHealthcare / Hospital experience would be beneficialExperience using computer based systems   The Hermitage Clinic is an Equal Opportunities Employer. If you require assistance due to a disability during the recruitment process, please email

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