Supervisor Supermac's

The Supervisor assists in the overall operational running of the restaurant and will learn the basics of what’s it like to be a Manager.The Supervisor will gain great exposure to the world of running a restaurant and managing a team.The Supervisor also ensures our customers receive the highest quality food and service every time.Greeting customers.Ensuring quality and speed of service.Preparation and planning for each service/shift.Supervises others and efficiently coordinates their work.Gets involved in a “hands-on” manner and leads by example.Communicates restaurant goals and a motivating vision to our Catering Assistants/TeamLinks individual performance to achieving restaurant goals.Demonstrates principled leadership and sound business ethics; stands up for what’s right.Coaches, supports and works with Store Manager to develop Training Co-Coordinators.Responds to Store Manager requests.Carry out all duties diligently and have a positive impact on QSC.Must be flexible, and able to work in all areas.Must abide by all standards and procedures and ensure others do likewise.REQUIREMENTS:Previous Fast Food/Catering Experience preferred.A minimum of 1-2 years supervisory experience in the Catering/Hospitality/Quick Service Food industry is required.Have a positive attitude and ability to work well in a fast-paced environment.EU/EEA Passport holder.Knowledge of Food safety is required (HACCP).You must be 100% customer focused, innovative, motivated and energetic for this hands-on role.You must be flexible to work a mixture of days, evenings and weekends.Demonstrate excellent people management skills.

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