Supervisor | Leixlip

Little Harvard is an Irish family owned business which has been caring for and educating children since 1995. At Little Harvard our employees are highly valued and play a vital part in ensuring that we provide outstanding childcare in a safe and stimulating learning environment.We are now looking for a Supervisor for one of our creches located in Leixlip. Join our team!MINIMUM QUALIFICATION REQUIREDTo be considered for a Supervisor role, you MUST hold a minimum Level 6 in Childcare, or equivalent DCYA approved Certification.JOB TITLE: Supervisor.ABOUT THE ROLE:Childcare Supervisors are responsible for the overall safety and well-being of the children in their care. They set the standards and policies and procedures for the service and ensure the implementation of and adherence to these. Under the direction of the Manager, assists in the coordination of the daily operations of the Centre; enforces regulations under the Childcare regulations and guidelines; implements and maintains an appropriate learning environment for the children; and performs related work as required as follows:Ensures the Centre’s rooms and play areas are maintained in a clean, orderly, and safe condition.Manage creche hygiene and ensure it reaches the Little Harvard standards.Ensure children and staff signed in in accordance with regulations.Liaise with Chef and oversees daily food program to meet children’s nutritional needs; ensures that substitutions are provided for children with dietary restrictions; posts and trains staff on child food allergies and how to accommodate children with allergies.     Maintains appropriate staff level to accommodate children in accordance with regulations. Provides information to parents concerning their children’s development, abilities, and areas of concern; explains classroom activities as requested. Keep systems up to date as appropriate (where required).Monitors educators to ensure quality of teaching methods. Ensure observations are carried out appropriately, journals are kept up to date and all relevant paperwork is completed accurately and timely.Report any concerns to the appropriate person in a timely mannerNCS compliance as directed by the ManagerReports incidents of suspected child abuse to the Manager immediately.Works in classrooms as an early years educator on an as needed basis. Regular collaboration with the Manager regarding the running of the creche Please note that this job description is not exhaustive, and you are required to carry out other duties in line with your role. This Job Description may be reviewed in the future. The management reserve the right to make amendments to the profile as per business requirements. DESIRABLE SKILLS: Experience in a Supervisory position.REPORTING TO: Creche Manager.BENEFITS:Extremely competitive salary.Company Employee Assistance Programme.Discounted private health insurance.Bonus loyalty days.Career advancement opportunities.On-site training and continuous professional development.Rental, Staff only, accommodation (only in certain areas).Introduction bonus for any employee who introduces another employee.Employee incentive schemes.SALARY RANGE: DOQ&E.

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