Supervisor Day Services

Day Service SupervisorFull Time Permanent and Fixed Term Posts Saint John of God Community Services, Dublin South East Services are now inviting applications for the post of Day Service Supervisor. Dublin South East provides a network of education, training, employment, respite and community living supports to children and adults with intellectual disabilities in South Dublin.This is an exciting opportunity to join a renowned service in the intellectual disability sector. We are funded by the HSE and as such the role is within the public service and subject to annual increments, generous annual leave, and pensions. Role SummaryApplications are invited for the post of Day Service Supervisor. This role is a supervisory role where you will be expected to effectively manage staff teams through leading, supporting and further developing person-centred opportunities for adults with an Intellectual disability.  Minimum Requirements·        A relevant 3rd level qualification to QQI level 7 e.g. Social Care / Allied Health / Management / Teaching / Psychology etc.·        Experience of working with adults with disabilities in developmental, educational, training and / or work programmes.·        Excellent interpersonal, communication and organisational skills supporting strong relationships with all stakeholders associated with our services. ·        Effective team management and change management skills.·        A strong commitment to person-centred planning using a human rights-based approach.·        A good understanding of outcomes-based services and supports.·        Proven ability to demonstrate creativity and initiative when identifying opportunities for meaningful community involvement, interaction and participation including supported employment.·        An understanding of the importance of natural support networks and building social capital·        Experience with supporting those with complex needs advantageous.·        A full manual driving licence (please state so in application) and willingness to use own carRemunerationSalary Grade Senior Instructor grade on the Consolidated HSE Pay Scale.Add salary code….€39,120- €53,101LocationThe location of this role is Dublin South East. However, you may be required, from time to time, to work at SJOG CS’s other places of business or/and the premises of such associated companies or organisations as SJOG CS may require. You will be given as much notice of any such change of place of work as is reasonably practicable. Application Process:The selection process for this competition will compromise several elements to select successful candidates for the position. These may include the following:Shortlisting based in the information contained within your application.Competitive competency-based interview.A panel may be formed from this competition from which current and future, permanent, fixed term and specified purpose vacancies may be filled over the next 6 months. If your application contains gaps of employment within in your CV, please be advised that under HIQA, TUSLA and CORU regulations we are required to have explanatory information for these time periods. These must be provided with your application.Why work for us?St John of God offers a range of benefits to staff including the following:Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)Annual IncrementsComprehensive induction training and continued in-house training/ professional development26 days annual leave (pro-rata)Paid sick leavePaid Maternity/Paternity Leave (minimum service period applies)Opportunities for career progressionPublic Pension SchemeGroup HSF SchemeCycle to Work SchemeClosing Date: Monday December 2nd REF: DSESUPNOV24Informal inquiries to Day Service Coordinators: Damian Breen or Lia O Shea St John of God Community Services are equal opportunities employers. By applying for this position, you are giving Saint John of God Community Services consent to have your personal data stored which will be retained for the purpose of this competition only. 

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