Supervising Pharmacist - Portarlington

Supervising Pharmacist - Portarlington (15 mins from Kildare Village)We are looking for an enthusiastic Supervising Pharmacist who is a team player and has a positive can-do attitude, to join our Group which has been Certified™ as a Best Place to Work.About UsWe are an Irish-owned community-based, growing pharmacy group with 13 branches spread across Dublin, Meath and Wicklow. We strive to provide every customer with excellent advice, care and support from our dedicated team of trained healthcare professionals through working going the extra mile to exceed their expectations. We provide this through our experienced dispensary teams who are highly trained and are always on hand to deal with any query regarding our customers’ health, medication or even just some general well-being advice.We are looking for smart and flexible people to join our fast-paced, collaborative working environment built on compassion, trust and respect.You will be passionate about going the extra mile to ensure an exceptional customer experience for our customers and to contribute towards maintaining a great place to work for our people.Join us and you will work with highly experienced, professional people who will work alongside you to support you in your learning and development journey with us.Responsibilities ·       Supervision of Pharmacy·       Customer Service responsibilities·       Management of Staff·       Management of Stock·       Management of Items & Sales·       Management of Cash·       Management of Administration·       Management of Dispensary tasks·       Ensure that you and your staff’s overall presentation and professionalism is the best in the industry·       Ensure that you and your staff’s attention to detail and administration is in line with company policy·       Ensure that you and your staff are flexible at work to assist colleagues and managers alike throughout the pharmacy·       Compliance with PSI Legislation and Dispensing PracticesSkills and Experience  PSI Registered  Proven Retail pharmacy experience  People Management Experience  Flexibility to work weekends and bank holidays, when required  A helpful and courteous manner, compassionate and caring  Highly customer-focused and flexible to meet our Customer needs and our individual Branch needs  Strong team player with the ability to build trust internally and externally  Professional and respectful whilst dealing with others  Strong communication and interpersonal skills  Well-organised with good admin skills  Ability to work under pressure and multi-task during busy periods Eligible to work in Ireland  Fluency in English Package·       Competitive salary·       Quarterly bonus scheme·       Flexible working·       Employee discount on company products·       Regular performance and development reviews·       Learning and Development opportunities·       Tax saver initiatives such as Annual Travel Pass, Cycle to Work Scheme·       Employee Referral Scheme·       Employee Assistance ProgrammeCompany-wide and branch social eventsStaff Recognition days·       Social funding provided·       HSF membership can be facilitated.We are an equal opportunities employer. Apply to

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