Supervising Pharmacist - Fairgreen, Co. Carlow

McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy are a unique and highly successful "One Stop Health and Beauty Shop". We are the leading Irish owned pharmacy chain with 36 branches nationwide and over 500 colleagues. We are currently seeking to recruit a Supervising Pharmacist for our store in Fairgreen, Co. Carlow.  We require applicants who wish to drive and deliver excellence in Pharmacy care. We recognise that in order to perform the Pharmacist role our Pharmacists have to work in a supportive team, which we at McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy pride ourselves on.  The successful candidate must also demonstrate excellence in the following skills and attributes: Must have PSI registration and hold a degree in Pharmacy.Be responsible for the day to day running of the dispensary.Take final responsibility within the store for Stock Management specifically relating to, purchasing, ordering, stock management, merchandising, date checking and stocktaking.Take final responsibility for ensuring controlled drugs regulations are strictly adhered to.Take final responsibility for Pharmacy Presentation Standards.Have the ability to work under pressure and multi-task.Must be capable of working on own initiative.Drive business within the dispensary and store.Ability to communicate and get along with a variety of different personalities.Pro-actively drive excellence in customer service throughout the store at all times. We can offer you:Competitive Rates & BonusGreat Colleague DiscountRegular CPD training providedBike to Work SchemePSI fees paidPlus, many other benefits. To apply for this role, please submit your Cover Letter and CV through the below link.Please note only successful applicants will be contacted.

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