Supervising Pharmacist (Clonmel)

Mulligans Pharmacy is a family-run business, established in 1957, that operates in the retail pharmacy sector, and occupies 20 sites across the south-east and east of Ireland. This has been delivered through organic growth and acquisitions. We currently employ over 250 employees in Waterford, Kilkenny and Clonmel.We are currently recruiting for a supervising pharmacist to work in our Gladstone St. store, in Clonmel. This role is suitable for a pharmacist with 2 plus years’ experience working in a fast paced dispensary. This is a full-time position where you will be supported by an experienced pharmacy technician, a store manager, and a strong OTC team. Duties and Responsibilities • Adhere to dispensing procedures in accordance with PSI regulations and company's SOP.• Report to the Superintendent Pharmacist and maintain operating procedures• Offer the highest standard of customer care to patients in line with company guidelines• Ensure that claims for payment on the various State Schemes are accurately prepared and filed. • Actively assist in the management and replenishment of stock• Ensure that computer files are accurately maintained and that prescription records are maintained in accordance with legal procedures • Attend staff training and assist with the training of OTC Assistants and TechniciansSkills Required:Experience working in a busy environment is essentialProficiency using the MPS system is an advantage but not essentialExcellent customer and patient handling skillsStrong communication and organisational skills  What we can offer:Excellent Salary 5 weeks annual leave9:00 a.m.–18:00 p.m. daily, no Sundays or Bank HolidaysGenerous staff discountsSupport of experienced techniciansPSI Fees

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