Supermacs Supervisor- Full Time

Are you an experienced Supervisor looking to join an exciting and award winning company.We are seeking an energetic and innovative Supermacs Supervisor for M3 Mulhuddart.M3 Mulhuddart prides itself on creating an excellent customer experience with its positive team and working environment.This is a full time role, weekdays + weekends are required.Employee Benefits:·         60% Staff Discount·         Perks Subscription·         Peer Awards Scheme·         Employee Referral Scheme·         Free On-site staff parking·         Excellent Career Progression Opportunities·         Bike to Work SchemeKey Responsibilities as our SupervisorLead the Team and ensuring the department maintains the highest levels of Quality, Service and Cleanliness.Continuously bringing forth new ideas to increase sales and standards of the department.Create a positive working environment within the Team.Roster shifts and take overall responsibility for the operational running of the department. Achieve all KPI's and targets set by the Management. Ensure all HACCP documentation is up to date. Excel through annual health and safety audits.To ensure that all complaints are dealt with immediately, promptly and efficiently.Are you the ideal candidate?·        Are you a strong leader with excellent skills in Food Retail and Sales?·        Do you have a track record of leading, motivating and developing a team?·        Do you have at least 2 years-experience in a Supervisor/Team Leader position?·        Do you have excellent knowledge regarding HACCP and food safety?***we do not require the assistance of recruitment agencies at this time***

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