Supermac's Manager

We are currently recruiting for an experienced Manager for Supermac’s in M3 Service Station, Mulhuddart. The Manager is responsible for the smooth running of Supermac’s, providing leadership to their team, dealing with the day to day operations, people management, food quality, scheduling, budgeting, and all aspects associated with successfully managing a restaurant.Employee Benefits:60% Staff DiscountEmployee Rewards SchemePeer Awards SchemeEmployee Referral SchemeFree On-site staff parkingExcellent Career Progression OpportunitiesBike to Work SchemeApplicants will have a minimum of 3-5 years’ experience at management level in the catering/hospitality sector, be able to work on a full-time basis and demonstrate the following:People Management skillsPossess business savvy/experience of cost and sales managementExcellent organisational and planning skillsYou must be customer focused, innovative, motivating and energetic for this hands on role.You must have great organization and team leader skills and be self-motivated, enthusiastic, and have positive attitude towards work.This is a fast paced & busy position so you must be flexible to work a mixture of days, evenings and weekends.Main Duties:To ensure the store operates efficiently and effectively at all times.Day to day management of the Supermac’s section, ensuring highest of standards are maintained.Training-in of staff members ensuring staff are fully HACCP and safety trained and customer service focused.Completion of margins, correcting any issues and reviewing in a proactive manner.Bringing forth new ideas to increase sales in the department.Managing of staff rostering and people management in liaison with the General Manager.Providing a quality level of customer service ensuring that the customer is satisfied with the product.Ensuring a clean and tidy working environment.Ordering in of stock, ensuring stock and waste control.Set challenging goals that influence, motivate, inspire staff and team. ***We do not require assistance from Recruitment Agencies at the moment***

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