Structural Steel Painter

Structural Steel Painters apply protective coatings and paints to steel structures. Responsibilities include surface preparation, applying primers, and maintaining equipment, ensuring long-lasting, quality finishes.Responsibilities:Apply paint and other coatings to surfaces of structural steel componentsRead and interpret specifications to determine the painting requirementsPrepare the surface of steel components for painting by cleaning, sandblasting, and applying chemical treatmentsOperate spray guns, brushes, and rollers to apply paint and other coatings to steel surfacesMix paint and other coatings to ensure consistency and to match existing coatingsMonitor and maintain painting equipment, including cleaning and performing routine maintenance and repairsEnsure compliance with safety and environmental regulations related to painting and coating operationsRequirements:Minimum of 1+ years of experience as a Structural Steel Painter or similar position.Ability to read specificationsKnowledge of surface preparation techniques, including sandblasting and pressure washing.Familiarity with a variety of painting tools and equipment, including spray guns, rollers, and brushes.Understanding of different types of paints and coatings and how to select the appropriate one for each job.Physical dexterity and the ability to work in confined spaces and at heights.Strong attention to detail and the ability to work independently or as part of a team.Knowledge of safety procedures and regulations related to the painting industry.Good communication skills, knowledge of and ability to understand and communicate in the English language.Company Benefits:Shift allowance (where applicable when working shifts)Free ParkingEmployee Assistance ProgrammeEmployee Referral ProgrammeCareer development opportunities

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