Stores Operative

ABP Food Group is a food business that specialises in the supply and development, producing award-winning British and Irish beef and lamb products for retail, foodservice and wholesale.ABP Kingswinford is part of the ABP UK division within the ABP Food Group aiming to provide quality lamb to thousands of customers across the world.Here at ABP Kingswinford, located in the West Midlands (DY6 7JS), we are currently recruiting for a Stores Operative. Reporting to the Boning Hall & Despatch Operations Manager working Monday to Friday, hours of work are 7:00 am - 3:30 pm, however flexibility may be required.Key responsibilities•To raise purchase orders as required•Authorising invoices/ensuring quality/price are correct and match the delivery note/purchaser order•Raise any queries/problems directly with the supplier•Undertake a monthly stocktake•Issuing, as required goods to relevant departments meeting production schedules•Report any missing or damaged items•Management of stock levels•Ensuring any unused items/goods are returned to stores, recorded correctly and placed back as stock held•Maintain a safe working environment•Ensure at all times you comply with Health & Safety regulations•Perform any other duties that me deemed necessary to ensure the effective running of the department.Person specification•Previous experience in a similar role advantageous•Excellent organisational skills•Ability to organise own workload•Good verbal and written skills•Intermediate IT skills with experience of Excel spreadsheets•Display positive “Can do” attitude•Excellent communicator & team player who can adhere to short deadlines •Work on your own initiative•Attention to detail and good organisational skills

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