Stores Line Leader

At ABP Food Group, our vision is to be the best at what we do, and at ABP Wessex in Northallerton, this is no exception. At Wessex we never compromise on the quality of our products. Our FMCG operations and processes ensure a consistent quality delivery back to our customers. This role is an integral part of the Supply Chain team ensuring effective line management of the shift and ensuring the department supports timely business` activities through adherence to plan and the delivery of effectively trained staff within Supply Chain.Hours of work are 06:00-15:00 Monday to Friday.Main Duties and Responsibilities Responsibility for organising the stores intake and out loading and ensuring deadlines are metReport non conformances to product or plan immediatelyUnderstand the production plan to ensure quality product is available from the store when required and identify reasons for shortfallsAccountable for efficient and timely product changeoversAbility to work across the shifts as required and support the factory with flexibility in your approachComply with all company procedures and codes of practice to ensure a safe and hygienic workplaceMonitor stores people for adherence to housekeeping standards and all site practices including Health and Safety, Quality and HygieneEnsure Health and Safety procedures are adhered to and any issues or near misses are reported accordinglyEnsure that all product is of the correct specification and tolerance to maintain and exceed customer expectations, liaise with other depts. as required including Stock Controller or Supply Chain Manager when resolving issuesBeing the first point of contact in the Stores team, working closely with departmental management across the businessEnsure that all movements on the Movex system are recorded accurately and all are aware of standards requiredIntake, Outtake and internal stock management of palletsParticipating actively in suggestions contributing towards continuous improvement and ensuring the department is represented at Employee Forum meetingsPromoting team work and efficiency within departmentManaging first line employee issues including absence return to work discussions, accident reporting and supporting with ongoing performance managementParticipation at site management training and promoting initiatives across the teamsContinue to achieve accredited training driving skills for a Reach, Pallet ride on and Counterbalance TruckTo newly train and refresh any stores staff, new Stores People and the upskilling of production staff for flexibility using specific Standard Operating ProceduresSupport Training Dept. in the identification, production and amendments to Stores SOPs using the correct templateEnsure all training is validated by checking understanding, via job observations and assessmentsKnowledge and ExperienceGood communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to take directionAbility to challenge others in a professional and constructive mannerUnderstanding of site KPI`s and how these are calculatedKnowledge of customer requirements and specific retailer codesSelf-motivated with a positive outlook

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