Stores Assistant/Forklift Operator - Castlebellingham Facility

Store Assistant will manage the storage and safekeeping of goods in store/warehouse. Responsibilities include but not limited to receiving goods from suppliers, checking the goods for damage before accepting goods. This individual will track the movement of goods and are responsible for all paperwork relating to the receiving and dispatching of goods.Job Description:Goods Inwards – To receive raw materials into Suretank following the procedures laid out in the SOP. To book inventory onto the company's computerised stock management system, to record and locate these items in the appropriate locations. Kitting – To ensure raw materials are issued in accordance with the company's SOP and ensure that all stock is accurately accounted for in the process. Stock Keeping – To partake in cycle counts and stocktaking when and where necessary. To ensure stock records are accurately and frequently maintained and to report and investigate discrepancies. Forklift - Safely operate forklifts and/or combi lift equipment. Move large units within the production floor. Transport raw materials to production workstations. Regularly inspect machinery for maintenance needs and safety compliance. General Duties – there are various other duties involved with the role including monitoring of gas, and security duties and the role is not strictly limited to those outlined above. Housekeeping Duties – To ensure stores area and factory are all kept clean and tidy. All stock and products are stored in their correct locations. Scrap bins kept tidied and emptied. Requirements:Full clean driving licence.Computer knowledge of MS Word, Excel & Email is required.Experience on SAP Business One desirable but not essential.Current Forklift licence and/or Combi Lift licenseExcellent time management skills and exceptional work ethic.Ability to work methodically and quicklySelf-motivated, trustworthy and a good communicator.Be prepared to work shifts. Have good general product knowledge.Teamwork skills and ability to work independently.Company Benefits:Shift allowance (where applicable when working shifts)Free ParkingEmployee Assistance ProgrammeEmployee Referral ProgrammeCareer development opportunities “Suretank is an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees.”

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