Storeman / Driver

Calling all plumbers, maybe you fancy a slight change in career direction, or a change of pace? Job Title: Storeman / Driver, with plumbing experience Location: Kells & Athboy Employment Type: Full-Time Due to continued growth, we are seeking a reliable and hardworking Storeman / Driver to join our team. This role is essential in ensuring the smooth operation of our warehouse and timely delivery of goods to various sites on occasion. The ideal candidate will have some experience of heating & plumbing installations and product knopwleddge. . Key Responsibilities: Receiving, checking, and storing deliveries of stock and materials. Organising and maintaining the warehouse in a clean and efficient manner. Picking and packing orders for jobs and ensuring accurate stock control. Delivering materials and equipment to job sites in a timely and professional manner. Keeping store tidy and organised. Maintaining company vehicles in a clean and roadworthy condition. Assisting with general warehouse duties as required. Adhering to all health and safety guidelines. Requirements: Valid full Irish driving licence (or relevant local equivalent). Heating and plumbing experience, and product knowledge. Previous experience in a similar store man /warehouse role. Good organisational skills and attention to detail. Ability to lift and move heavy materials safely. Strong communication skills and a positive attitude. Forklift licence. What We Offer: Competitive salary based on experience. A stable, full-time position within a growing company. Friendly and supportive working environment. Opportunities for career progression. If you are a motivated and reliable individual looking for a new challenge, we would love to hear from you. Apply today by sending your CV and a cover letter to

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