Showroom Supervisor

TJ O’ Mahony, Limerick, Castlemungret Industrial Est., Mungret, Limerick, V94 AY23 part of HPC Sales Ltd., Irelands’ leading Building Materials Providers and Home Improvement/DIY Store, is looking for a full-time, Permanent Showroom Supervisor to join our Team. Job Purpose: Managing the day-to-day operations of our new showroom, including sales, inventory, customer service and staff management. Duties and Responsibilities:·       Manage the day-to-day running of the new large busy showroom.·       Select, train, motivate and roster your sales team to achieve the key KPI’s.·       Managing the sales floor and providing maximum profitability achieving sales targets.·       Stock management, daily monitoring of stock with a strong influence on buying decisions and displays to maximise the sales performance.·       Cash Management: ensuring cash management is completed according to Company procedure at close of every business day, with any anomalies identified and rectified. Ensuring the bank lodgement is ready for collection. ·       Oversee all showroom administration in compliance with company procedures.·       Ensuring phones are answered promptly and professionally.·       Take all opportunities for providing recognition, building a culture of feedback and improvement, designed to deliver on-going success.·       Ensure constantly up to date with market and product knowledge, partaking in activities that will deliver the highest standards of professionalism across your team.·       Other tasks as assigned to meet business needs.Requirements:Industry experience of operating a professional showroom environment.Passionate about the customer service experience.·       An excellent communicator who is able to negotiate large value projects. ·       Extremely well organised, practiced and prepped every day.·       Strong time management skills with an ability to work in a dynamic team environment.·       IT and Microsoft Office Suite proficiency.·       People orientated with excellent listening skills. Benefits:                                                          ·       Bonus                                              ·       On-Site Parking ·       Employee Discount        Hours: 40 hours per week (Monday - Saturday).                 HPC Sales Ltd. is an equal opportunities employer.

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