Store Detective, Dublin City Centre

Job Overview As a Store Detective, you will operate across a multiple of stores in Dublin City centre, and utilise your observation skills to help prevent theft of stock. The work of the Store Detective is crucial in the identification, apprehension and prosecution of criminals who target our client.  PackageWorking 40 hours per week.(5 x 8hr shift).Rate of pay - €20.00 per hour.Sunday Premium - €3.44 per hour.4 weeks leave per year.Mitie Benefits package Main Duties Observe, deter and arrest those taking part in criminal activity in line with the Theft Act. Follow ASCONE process. Liaison with the Garda and other crime prevention partners, in the areas you will be operating, will be key to keeping up to date with crime trends in the area. Build local network to identify and disrupt crime. Report incidents accurately and in a timely fashion. Occasionally attend court to provide evidence.  What we are looking for As no two days at our client’s stores are the same, you will need to be highly adaptable. You will remain calm under pressure and react quickly in challenging situations. 5 years + experience in a similar role in Dublin City centre.Strong communication skills (both written and verbal). Proactive and forward-thinking approach to work, demonstrating adaptability and a desire to improve on existing working practices. Strongly self-motivated individual possessing a can do attitude and a drive to learn. A positive, outgoing personality looking to be part of a strong and established team. It is essential that you are PSA licenced. Exceptional observational skills; ability to handle sensitive situations and to make quick decisions. Confidence to challenge people when necessary. Ability to use modern surveillance systems, like CCTV and electronic tags. 

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