Stock Controller

TJ O’ Mahony, Ardee, Irish Street, Ardee, Co. Louth. Eircode A92 YK07, part of HPC Sales Ltd., Irelands’ leading Builders Providers and Home Improvement/DIY Store, is looking for aPermanent, Full-Time, Stock Controller to join our TeamJob Purpose: Stock Controller Duties and Responsibilities:Determining the correct stock levels across all the product lines to ensure sufficient stock, without being overstocked.Ensuring we are only supplied with goods that are on our purchase orders.Managing defective and/or unacceptable goods with suppliers and ensuring that these goods are returned and credit notes are received from the suppliers.Maintaining and monitoring special orders and negative stocks.Managing the Branch’s goods inwards system.Dealing with the Branch purchasing and redundant stock issues.Policing goods storage including meeting all Health and Safety requirements.Working closely with the Group Stock Controller to achieve targets.Coordinating twice yearly stock takes and cycle counts.Dealing with suppliers, negotiating prices, placing orders, and ensuring that orders are received and processed appropriately within the Goods Inwards system.Skills and Requirements:Strong attention to detail.Experience in a similar role.Ability to work on own initiative. Team player.Relevant building materials knowledge an advantage. Benefits:                                                                                           Employee DiscountBonus          Bike-to-Work SchemeOn-Site Parking                         Hours: 39 hours per week (Monday–Saturday)Home Project Centre Sales Ltd. is an equal opportunities employer.

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