Steel Fixer

Precast – Oranmore, Co.GalwayKilsaran Precast is high-performance, bespoke business that offers a full-service solution from building design and manufacture through to installation, the fully automated state-of-the-art plants located in Kildare and Galway are not constrained by static moulds and are completely BIM orientated. We are seeking a skilled and experienced Steel Fixer to join our dynamic team.Responsibilities:As a Steel Fixer you would be expected to be able to competently read and understand steel fixing drawings and bending schedules. This role requires a strong attention to detail and the ability to work independently or as part of a team.Skills Required:Proven experience as a Steel FixerAbility to interpret engineering drawings and specifications.Proficiency in cutting, bending, and installing steel reinforcement materials.Strong attention to detail and accuracy in workmanship.Excellent teamwork and communication skills.Valid Safe Pass and Manual Handling certification preferred.What you get:Competitive hourly rateAnnual Attendance BonusOvertime PayTwenty-one Days Annual Leave Additional Benefits:Sick PayEmployee Assistance ProgrammeCycle-to-work schemeFurther education/training and development supportCareer progression opportunities Hiring Process Upon Application:·       Telephone Screening·       1 round interview process·       Offer Letter to Successful candidate

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