Steel Administrator - Colney Heath

About LawsonsLawsons is the UK’s largest independent fencing, timber and builders’ merchants and now boasts 36 branches, 700 employees and £200 million turnover, founded in 1921 and operates across London and the South East of England.The Role - Steel Administrator Taking customer and Lawsons' sales team calls and directing them to the relevant person who has priced the job or passing it through to the designer.Printing and adding new orders that come through to the office job board on excel, then printing the order to production and design office.Booking out (invoicing) the Steel orders for the day to be sent to the branch to provide advise notes to production and transport.File management during the day Material order from a list provided (data input only)Booking in material from the steel delivery Supporting the Steels Manager with the company portal such as adding employees absences to the system and submitting timecards etcOther various Office admin task - such as stationary orders etc.General administration work will also be involved, to help sustain the growth of the business.Working hours for this position - Monday to Friday 8am - 5pm = 40 hours... Branch Postcode - AL4 0PGKey Accountabilities and Skills required…Experience in data inputting Answering the telephone Booking in jobs on ExcelDealing with general enquiries Booking in and out Orders Advice note organising Material Ordering from list (inputting the order from a list)Crediting Invoicing Having a customer focused attitude with a willingness to learn and progress in this roleStrong attention to detail and accuracyIT literacyWe would love to meet someone with experience in …Multiple data inputting ExcelOutlook Dealing with Customers on phone Organisational skills Working in a paperless office We are also looking for a candidate who has:A positive & approachable attitudeGood product knowledge within the IndustryProfessionalism and who will promote and adhere to the company's value’sBasic literacy & numeracy skillsWhat is in it for you…£11.44 per hour - £23,795 per year23 Days Holiday + Bank HolidaysPension SchemeDeath In Service SchemeEmployee Assisted Programme

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