Staff Nurses

Our vision is to excel and deliver World-Class Nursing.Person centred care is our priority.We care for our Nursing Team to enable them to care for our patients. You will experience one of the most technologically advanced hospitals in Ireland, low patient to nurse ratios and Ireland's first and only complete electronic patient record. The Galway Clinic is also a centre for learning for undergraduate/Post-Graduate Nursing, Medicine and Allied Health Care Professionals.At Galway Clinic, you will discover a culture of teamwork, professionalism, and mutual respect, and most importantly, a life changing career. To ensure our vision of excellence in patient care, we wish to attract high quality candidates and offer the following:Very Competitive salary ratesBenefit of both specialised allowances and location allowances for staff within specialist areasSupported professional developmentSupport Post-Graduate education fees and study leaveOpportunities for internal transfer and specialist training Candidate Requirements:Be registered or eligible to register in the General Division of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI)Have at least 2 years post registration experience - ideally 

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