Staff Nurses - Oncology

Make a Difference in Cancer Care: Oncology Nurse at Mater Private NetworkThe Mater Private Network is seeking dedicated and experienced Registered Nurses to join our dynamic Oncology department. As a key player in cancer care across Ireland, we offer a supportive and collaborative environment where you can:Work alongside a team of esteemed consultant oncologists and other healthcare professionals.Contribute to a multi-disciplinary approach, delivering exceptional care to patients with various cancers.Utilise your skills in a setting equipped with cutting-edge technologies and committed to the highest standards of treatment.If you are a compassionate and skilled nurse who thrives in a fast-paced environment and is passionate about making a positive impact on patients' lives, we encourage you to apply.Application Criteria:Registered General NurseBe on the live register with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of IrelandUp to date experience/knowledge in an acute clinical settingExcellent interpersonal skills Benefits Starting Bonus: Kickstart your journey with Mater Private with a generous starting bonus. Relocation Support: We understand the importance of a smooth transition, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Flexible Working Hours: Achieve a work-life balance that suits your lifestyle. Employer Pension Contributions: Secure your financial future with our pension contribution plan. Critical Illness Cover: Take comfort in knowing that you're covered in challenging times. Educational Support: Pursue your academic goals with our support. CPD Accredited Programs: Stay at the forefront of your field with continuous professional development. Excellent Career Opportunities: Grow with us and unlock a world of career possibilities. Fast-Track Promotions: We recognize and reward your dedication with accelerated career progression. Discounted Treatment Rates: Enjoy discounted rates for inpatient and outpatient treatments. Pharmacy Discount: Save on your healthcare needs. Career Break Scheme: Take the time you need for personal or professional growth. Subsidised Restaurant: Enjoy delicious and nutritious meals at our subsidized restaurant. Job description available on request.  MATER PRIVATE HOSPITAL IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYER

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