Staff Nurse - Specialist Palliative Care

GradeAll Grades of Staff NurseResponsible to/Report to:The post holder will report to the Clinical Nurse Manager or designated officer and is professionally accountable to the Assistant Director of Nursing SPC or designated officerWorking Relationships:Liaise with the Medical, Nursing, Health & Social Care Professionals, Clerical/Administrative Staff, Service Users and their Relatives as required; including those external to Marymount. Essential Qualifications:A candidate must, on the latest date for receiving completed applications for the post:Be registered on the General Division of the Register of Nurses maintained by An Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland) or be entitled to be so registered.Have at least two years’ acute experience;Demonstrate evidence of continuing professional development at the appropriate level.Have the clinical and administrative capacity to properly discharge the functions of the role.Post Specific Requirements Candidates must possess the requisite knowledge and ability, including a high standard of suitability, for the proper discharge of the office including but not limited to an in-depth understanding of;Assessing, planning, implementing and evaluative patient care.The implementation of evidence based Specialist Palliative Care nursing.Ensuring patients and families needs are met within available resources.Acting as a role model for nursing staff within the department.Participate in good communication practice within the ward, hospital and external departments, as required.Actively participate in ward rounds, MDT meetings.Mentor student nurses, as required.Deputise for CNMI as required to manage/co-ordinate the day to day running of the ward.Desirable Qualifications:                     Have experience in palliative care or oncology nursing.Hold a relevant qualification in gerontology, palliative care or rheumatology.Have Information System and Technology skills or willingness to undertake training would be vital.Our TeamBecome a valuable member of an exceptional team within a globally recognised specialised organization that prioritises work-life balance as an integral part of our daily culture. Enjoy an array of benefits such as:Public Sector Aligned SalariesFree Onsite ParkingOnsite Staff PsychotherapistEmployee Assistance ProgrammeOnsite Staff GymSocial ClubSubsidised CanteenEducation SupportA full job description will be made available to candidates in due course.

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