Staff Nurse Specialised Pre-School

Staff Nurse – Kildarton (Specialised Pre-School) There are two positions as follows: Permanent Part Time 25 hours (Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 1.30pm) Maternity Leave - 29 hours (Monday to Friday) Saint John of God Community Service Dublin South East are now inviting applications for the post of Staff Nurse in Kildarton Specialised Pre-School. The successful candidate(s) will be enthusiastic, flexible, innovative, and committed to providing a quality service that responds to the needs and priorities of our service users.  Minimum RequirementsBe on the current register of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland and preferably Paediatric Nurse trained.Qualification with RNID advantageous.Assessments for non-nursing personnel may be part of this role.Have relevant experience in working with children with an intellectual disability and their families.Excellent communication, teamwork, interpersonal, organisational, and initiative skills.Have an in-depth knowledge and understanding relevant legislation pertinent to support of children. RemunerationSalary Grade 2135 Staff Nurse on the Consolidated HSE pay scale.€35,919 - €53,851 (Pro Rata) LocationThe location of this role is Glenageary, Dublin South East. However, you may be required, from time to time, to work at SJOG CS’s other places of business or/and the premises of such associated s companies or organisations as SJOG CS may require. You will be given as much notice of any such change of place of work as is reasonably practicable. Application Process:The selection process for this competition will compromise several elements to select successful candidates for the position. These may include the following:Shortlisting based in the information contained within your application.An online video interview.Competitive competency-based interview.PresentationA panel may be formed from this competition from which current and future, permanent, fixed term and specified purpose vacancies may be filled over the next 12 months. If your application contains gaps of employment within in your CV, please be advised that under HIQA, TUSLA and CORU regulations we are required to have explanatory information for these time periods. These must be provided with your application. Why work for us? St John of God offers a range of benefits to staff including the following:Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)Annual IncrementsComprehensive induction training and continued in-house training/ professional development22 days 0-5yrs service, 23 days 5-10yrs service, 25 days 10+yrs service (Pro Rata)Paid sick leavePaid Maternity/Paternity Leave (minimum service period applies)Opportunities for career progressionPublic Pension SchemeGroup HSF SchemeCycle to Work Scheme Closing Date Informal inquiries to Linda Foley, Manager Early Services, Ph: 0879769647. St John of God Community Services are equal opportunities employers.By applying for this position, you are giving Saint John of God Community Services consent to have your personal data stored which will be retained for the purpose of this competition only.

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