Staff Nurse - Paediatrics

Elevate your career as a Paediatric Staff Nurse with Mater Private Network - exciting opportunities await with the option of Full and Part time hours About Mater Private Network: Mater Private Network, a beacon of medical excellence, is making significant investments in cutting-edge healthcare technology. We're proud to announce the addition of Electronic Health Records, new theatres in Dublin & Cork, new Cath Labs in Dublin & Cork, and new state-of-the-art CT Scanners in both locations. Join us in our commitment to pushing the boundaries of healthcare innovation.  Our Paediatric Service: we provide a dedicated paediatric service committed to providing high-quality, safe, and family-centered care to our patients and their families. We strive for the best possible outcomes in a respectful and transparent environment. Our expanding service caters to surgical patients aged 2-14 years, specializing in ENT, Dental, Cardiac, Eye procedures, and Sleep studies. Essential Criteria:Demonstrated experience in paediatric nursing is essential.Minimum of two years post-graduation experience.Minimum of 12 months experience working in an acute hospital setting.Active registration with the NMBI (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland).Excellent communication skills. Benefits:Structured induction program with dedicated mentor support.Flexible rostering options based on service needs, including day and night rotation.Professional development and learning opportunities.Competitive salary and joining bonus or relocation package. Join us at Mater Private Network, where our culture is not just a statement but a lived experience. Here, you'll find a family-like atmosphere, unparalleled professional growth, and the satisfaction of making a real impact on patient care. Your career is not just a job—it's a journey, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Welcome to Mater Private Network, where excellence meets community. Mater Private Network is and Equal Opportunities Employer

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