Staff Nurse (Paediatric & Adult care) IHE

Job Title: Staff Nurse (Paediatric & Adult care)Job Location: Dunshaughlin Co.Meath Area’s primarily include: Dunshaughlin Co.MeathThe Staff Nurse’s primary role is to to provide a high standard of holistic customer clinical care. Demonstrate evidence-based practice by carrying out customer assessments and develop/implement customer care plans based on needs identified & review accordingly as well as providing mentorship and training to other staff as required. Your responsibilities as a staff nurse include . . .Provide nursing care to support existing care arrangements with Bluebird Care customers. Carry out comprehensive needs assessments.Provide direct supervision & monitoring of care standards.BenefitsSunday premium hourly rateFortnightly payFlexible working hoursRefer a friend bonusFree Employee Assistance Program with access to free counsellingOpportunities for upskillingEmployee of the month awardsSocial eventsQualifications, Skills & ExperienceQualification in NursingTracheostomy experience preferredPaediatric experience preferredFlexibility to travelDriving License essentialQualitiesEssential qualities of a staff nurse include empathy, the ability to demonstrate kindness, compassion and patience.Employment TypeFull Time (up to 40hrs)5 x 8 hr days (days tbc)2:30pm - 9:30pm Contact Details:Tel: (01) 206 1974Email: caitrionaobrien@bluebirdcare.ieHourly rates inclusive of travel pay*

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