Staff Nurse - Oncology

Staff Nurse Specialist Area - Oncology(Permanent & Temporary Roles) The Staff Nurse is a member of a multidisciplinary team and is responsible for the delivery of nursing care within an evidence based framework. He/she is required to provide and maintain a caring, efficient and professional nursing service meeting the needs of patients and their families.Responsibilities - The post holder will be responsible for;·        Responsible for assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating the nursing care of assigned patients·        Practice nursing according to the Code of Professional Conduct as laid down by the Nursing Board and Professional Guidelines.·        Ensure patients are cared for in the optimum clinical environment, adhering to all nursing and hospital wide policies and guidelines·        Share professional knowledge and skills with colleagues·        Documentation to be recorded in a professional, legible and timely fashion·        Demonstrate evidence of continuing professional development·        Deputise for the CNM 2 as appropriate·        Follow appropriate lines of authority within the Nurse Management Structure.Eligibility Criteria - Candidates:·        Must have current registration on the general division of NMBI·        Experience in the acute hospital environment within last three years is essential·        Applications will be welcome from nurses who have recently graduated·        Specialist areas – Experience essential / course desirable Please note all applicants will be entitled to apply for an enhanced nurse contract, once that they meet the eligibility criteria of the position i.e on point 4 or greater of the staff nurse scale   The MUH reserve the right to create a panel for this post from which permanent, fixed term and specified purpose vacancies of a full or part time duration may be filled.  

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