Staff Nurse ;Interventional Radiology

Job Description Job Title ;Staff Nurse Department ;Interventional Radiology Reports to ; Interventional Radiology Nurse Manager Date ;2024  Overall Purpose of JobProvide professional nursing skills in assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating the nursing care for assigned patients while providing exceptional patient care in an environment where qualify, respect, caring and compassion are at the center of all we do. Key Responsibilities and Deliverables§ Willingness to champion and promote the advancement of technology to enhanced organisation of nursing and delivery of patient care. This may include, but not limited to a “Train the Trainer” role in the context of Patient Records, Safe Staffing Framework and Dependency Acuity tools.§ Willingness to act as a “Link Nurse” where required and carry out the duties in relation to same e.g. report writing, data collection, meeting attendance, peer support, training and education, facilitated through rostering by local ward management.Ø Lead / participate in unit specific and hospital wide quality improvement projects.Ø Undertakes the collection, input and analysis of data as outlined in the quality improvement projects or as designated by the Line Manager / CNM 3 / Assistant Director of Nursing / Director of Nursing.§ Where determined as a service requirement, willingness to pursue, relevant education and training to enhance scope of practice, for example the Advanced Patient Assessment Skills course.§ Actively promote and support new services, business recovery / developments or the implementation of strategies. This will be tailored to business requirements locally and will be the subject of proactive consultation. § The appropriate nurse to Deputise for Clinical Nurse Managers / Clinical Nurse Specialists on a short-term basis for purposes of covering short-term commitments where required. § Participate as an Enhanced Nurse providing physical and psychological care to Beacon Patients§ Participate in the Joint Commissioning accreditation (JCI) process§ Involvement in preparing the hospital for JCI survey. § Work within professional guidelines as laid down by NMBI Code of Conduct for Nurses.§ Carry out all Nursing practice in accordance with Beacon Hospital Policies; including the care, control and administration of medicines.§ Maintain accurate nursing records as per hospital policy.§ Collaborate with Staff in order to provide a high standard of nursing practice.§ Maintain and update own knowledge continuously, and participate in on-going education.§ Be aware of the hazards which can occur within the Department, i.e. electrical, chemical and transport, and initiate preventative measures.§ Monitor and supervise the safe maintenance of equipment; reporting problems to the Clinical Coordinator or her deputy.§ Foster a learning environment for the benefit of staff.§ Assist less experienced staff to develop their skills in Nursing.§ Deputise for the Clinical Coordinator in their absence§ Assist with the duty roster in order to provide effective staffing cover to meet the needs of the department.§ Rotate within all specialities as required by the Manager.§ Discuss any problems or potential problems with the Clinical Coordinator or Nurse in Charge.§ Such other duties appropriate to the post as may be assigned from time to time by the Hospital authority through the Director of Nursing Services.§ Keep up to date with mandatory training such as Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS).§ You may be required to work in any service area as the need arises.      Person Specification Qualifications § NMBI Registered General Nurse licence. Experience § Reached the 4th increment on the staff nurse scale (1 year 16 weeks after graduating.§ Bachelor of Science in Nursing essential.§ Post Graduate course desirable. Job SpecificCompetencies and Knowledge  § Demonstrate experience in mentorship/preceptorship.§ Have proven clinical and professional managerial ability.§ It is desirable that the candidate has a teaching and assessing course, basic IT skills and experience in presentation skills.§ Have a strong commitment to pre and post registration nurse education.§ Demonstrate the practice of teaching in the clinical area.§ Display evidence of continuing professional development.§ Computer skills essential. PersonalCompetencies § Have excellent communication and interpersonal skills.  This job description is intended to be an outline of the areas of responsibility and deliverables at the time of its writing. As the Hospital and the post holder develop, this job description may be subject to review in the light of the changing needs of the Hospital. Job Description received by employee: _________________________________              _____________                                                                              Signature                                                                             Date                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             _________________________________                                                                              Name (in block capitals)

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