Staff Nurse Endoscopy

Applications are invited for the role of Staff Nurse in Endoscopy on a full or part time basis.  The Role: Deliver skilled practical nursing care and participate in the planning, delivery and evaluation of individualised patient care.Participate in the care, custody and administration of medications as per hospital policy.Participate in setting standards and expectations in the quality of care.Supervise the nursing practice of junior members of the nursing team and participate in the educational aspects of that practice.To be aware of his/her role as a professional and to undertake practice within the relevant framework.To manage patient care by demonstrating the ability to organise and perform activities related to the role in an efficient and effective manner.  The Candidate: Be registered or eligible to register in the General Division of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI)Minimum 2 years’ experience as a Staff Nurse in EndoscopyExcellent communication skills, ability to work on own initiative and as part of a team.  Flexibility in work practicesDemonstration of ongoing professional updating and development.  Blackrock Health Galway Clinic is an Equal Opportunities Employer.   

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