Staff Nurse - Emergency Department

About the Hermitage ClinicBlackrock Health Hermitage Clinic is a private hospital providing a full range of medical and surgical care across a broad spectrum of specialities. The Emergency Department provides a range of services and this role is important in making a significant contribution, developing and maintaining best practice in Emergency Department services.  The RoleThe role is responsible for the provision of quality service in line with standards of Emergency Department nursing practice. As a key member of the frontline team, the Staff Nurse in the Emergency Department will demonstrate strong clinical skills and facilitate effective communication with colleagues in the hospital. The position requires a collaborative and supportive approach to the development of services and structures, embracing continuous quality improvement and the implementation of changes necessary to achieve organisational objectives. OperationsPromote the delivery of a high standard of care to all Emergency patients.  Ensure that controlled drug records are kept in accordance with standard recognised legal and professional practice.Ensure safe practice is adhered to in the storage and administration of all drugs in accordance with local policy and Department of Health / NMBI guidelines, keeping patient and staff safety a priority.Supervise the nursing practice of less experienced staff members of the nursing team and participate in the educational aspects of that practice.Be aware of the multifaceted needs of emergency, medical and surgical patients and provide a holistic support service for them and their families.Be aware of community based support for medical and surgical patients.Keep accurate, comprehensive, up-dated records and written reports as required and guided by NMBI recommendations.Participate in the safe custody of medications, in accordance with hospital policy.Ensure correct and economical use of Unit stocks and material and the safe and correct use of all equipment.Ensure the safe keeping of patient’s belongings in accordance with hospital policy where necessary.Document all necessary care given on the Meditech Patient information system.Be in charge of the Ward/Unit when requested to do so in the CNMs absence.Be willing to be deployed to other areas of the hospital if requested to do so.Document and report to the CNM, in a timely and comprehensive manner, any incidents, accidents, near misses or complaints and participate in any subsequent investigation as requested.Participate in staff meetings, team meetings and committees as required.Essential CriteriaBe registered in the general division of the Register of Nurses maintained by NMBIHave at least three years recent relevant post-registration nursing experience (full-time or equivalent hours part-time) in an acute hospital setting with at least one years’ Emergency Department nursing experienceHold an up-to-date Basic Life Support course or be in pursuit of same  Why work at the Hermitage ClinicThe Hermitage Clinic are passionate about our people and believe in their development and growth. As a member of the Hermitage Medical Clinic team you can benefit from: An Education Support ProgrammeDevelopment opportunitiesOpportunities for career progressionAccess to a Pension SchemeSubsidised RestaurantFree staff car parkingEmployee Assistance ProgrammeLife Assurance  The Hermitage Clinic is an Equal Opportunities Employer with a strong commitment to diversity, inclusion and equality at all levels of the organisation. If you require assistance due to a disability during the recruitment process, please email

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