Staff Nurse, Children Services

We are currently recruiting for Staff Nurses to provide support to children with intellectual disabilities in our Children’s Respite Services. This is an exciting opportunity for someone who’s passionate about young children and interested in providing opportunities for children with ID to develop their full potential in a compassionate and child centred environment. Sometimes families need a break and sometimes children need a chance to play with their friends and have a sleepover or a holiday. Staff support children in the community for activities such as cinema trips, visiting petting farms, zoo etc.We have a two purpose-built children’s respite centres in the following locations; The Arches is located just outside Killorglin and Abhaile is located in Listowel Town.They provide a welcome break for families, and fun and development for children. This is a hugely rewarding role for someone interested in working in a dynamic yet hospitable service.This post provides therapeutic interventions, practical support, and nursing support where appropriate to meet the needs of the individual children/young people.Staff Nurses(Full-Time / Part-Time Contracts)The successful candidate requires:RGN/RNMH/RNID qualifications or other suitable nursing qualifications and to be a Staff Nurse on the current register as maintained by An Bord Altranais.Have a strong interest and /or experience in working with children with an intellectual disability and their families.•  Excellent communication, teamwork, interpersonal, organisational, and initiative skills.•  Excellent understanding of Person-Centred Planning, Safeguarding, Risk Management, Positive Behaviour Support and Children’s Rights.Have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of National Standards for Residential Services for Children and Adults with Disabilities and relevant legislation pertinent to support of children.  Please note that salaries are paid in line with HSE Consolidated Salary Scales. Interested candidates should apply by submitting their Curriculum Vitae explaining any gaps. St John of God Community Services CLG is an equal opportunities employer

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