Staff Nurse CCU/Telemetry

Staff Nurse CCU/Telemetry (Permanent, Full time) The post holder will:·        Be professionally accountable to the Director of Nursing or designated officer·        Will report to the Clinical Nurse Manager 3 or designated officer.Responsibilities - The post holder will be responsible for; Practice nursing according to the Code of Professional Conduct as laid down by the Nursing Board (An Bórd Altranais/NMBI) and Professional Clinical Guidelines (local and national)Adhere to national, regional and local Mercy University Hospital guidelines, policies, protocols and legislation Work within their scope of practice and take measures to develop and maintain the competence necessary for professional practice Maintain a high standard of professional behavior and be accountable for their practiceBe aware of ethical policies and procedures which pertain to their area of practiceDeliver the nursing care of an assigned group of patients within a best practice / evidence based frameworkManage a designated caseloadHave expertise on cardiac related illness/disease Recognize life threatening and non-life threatening arrythmias both within CCU and on telemetry monitoring systemsDemonstrate expertise in the nursing assessment and management of emergency cardiac admissions and acutely ill cardiac patients. Promote the health, welfare and social wellbeing of patients within our servicesParticipate in clinical governance structures within the local / regional / national clinical governance frameworkTake responsibility for own competency and learning and development needs and actively contribute to the learning and development of the interdisciplinary teamComplete all mandatory training as deemed necessary by the Director of Nursing and ABA/ NMBIParticipate in performance evaluation / review with their line manager, identifying areas for improvement and appropriate plans / measures to achieve themEnsure that records are safeguarded and managed as per Mercy University Hospital policy and in accordance with relevant legislationAdhere to all hospital policies and guidelines associated with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)Work closely with colleagues across the integrated services programme in order to provide a seamless service delivery to the client within the integrated services programme  Eligibility Criteria: Be registered in the General Division of the Register of Nurses kept by An Bord Altranais/Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI) or be entitled to be so registeredand·        Have the clinical and administrative capacity to properly discharge the functions of the role.Post graduate qualification in CCU nursing preferableExperience in working in a cardiac care setting desirable Be competent in ECG/telemetry interpretation or willing to undertake study for same Show evidence of continuous professional development    Closing date for applications is 1pm Friday 9th August 2024The MUH reserve the right to create a panel for this post from which permanent, fixed term and specified purpose vacancies of a full or part time duration may be filled. 

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